Unauthorised deduction by IRCTC.
IRCTC has deducted Rs. 58.53 from my on 28/06/2023 account for reason unknown. I have not authorised such deduction. Reason is unknownThe message is copied below: DebitINR 58.53A/c no. XX105328-06-23 18:10:26TIPS/SCG/NON MCC/26.06.23/IRCTCBal INR 47041.88SMS BLOCKALL Cust ID to 8691000002, if not you-Axis Bank
Unauthorised debit by IRCTC
I use IRCTC Mobile app for booking tickets and payment is made through my Axis Bank card. However, for the past year, unauthorised debited of Rs 2 etc is happening even when the app is not being used. Eg Debit INR 2.79 A/c no. XX5714 08-08-23 19:21:26 TIPS/SCG/NON MCC/06.08.23/IRCTC Mobile I am tired of complaining…