Online blackmailing

Myself Haneera Najeeb.I got connected to them in online through WhatsApp and they started explaining nd recorded the call. After completion of the 12 days ,work was incomplete .so they have started threatening me to pay the 3900/- orelse I will file a fir,giving just 10 mins of time to do it.Even asking for time […]

Online blackmailing
Myself Haneera Najeeb.I got connected to them in online through WhatsApp and they started explaining nd recorded the call. After completion of the 12 days ,work was incomplete .so they have started threatening me to pay the 3900/- orelse I will file a fir,giving just 10 mins of time to do it.Even asking for time they have said some fake unrelated sections nd started saying I’ll send legal notice nd see u in court. PLS ban this type of website or company which targets on students nd want to take money from them by saying the sections name

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