Complete Guide to Update PAN Card Details: Step-by-Step Process for PAN Card Correction and Updates

To update PAN card details in India, you can follow these steps:

  1. Visit the NSDL or UTIITSL website: Go to the official website of either the National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) or UTI Infrastructure Technology and Services Limited (UTIITSL), which are the authorized agencies for PAN card services.
  2. Access the PAN card correction/update form: Look for the section on the website that allows you to update PAN card details. This may be labeled as “Apply for Changes/Correction in PAN Data” or similar.
  3. Fill in the application form: Fill in the required details in the form accurately. Provide your existing PAN card number and the details you wish to update, such as name, address, date of birth, contact information, etc.
  4. Submit supporting documents: Prepare and submit the necessary supporting documents to validate the changes you want to make. The specific documents required will depend on the details you are updating. Commonly accepted documents include identity proof, address proof, and proof of date of birth.
  5. Pay the fee: Process the payment of the application fee, which is typically around INR 110 (may vary). Payment can be made through online modes like credit card, debit card, net banking, or demand draft, as specified on the website.
  6. Submit the application: Review the information provided in the form, attach the supporting documents, and submit the application online. You will receive an acknowledgment or reference number.
  7. Track the application: Keep a note of the acknowledgment or reference number to track the status of your application. You can check the status on the NSDL or UTIITSL website using the provided tracking facility.
  8. Verification and processing: The concerned authority will verify the details and documents provided. If everything is in order, they will update your PAN card details. You may receive an updated PAN card with the revised information or a confirmation letter indicating the changes.

It is important to note that the process may vary slightly depending on whether you are applying through NSDL or UTIITSL. Additionally, if you prefer offline mode, you can also visit the nearest PAN card facilitation center or contact authorized service providers for assistance in updating your PAN card details.

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