youtube watch Time fraud by , YT ,

The are give offer pay many then we are increase your youtube channel 24 hour but the did not complete this promise. STELLA SHARED SPACES PRIVATE LIMITED is the main company involved in fraud for youtube chennal monotization. The compnay has register in bangalore. After paid amount no anyone pick call & no reply on […]

youtube watch Time fraud by , YT ,
The are give offer pay many then we are increase your youtube channel 24 hour but the did not complete this promise. STELLA SHARED SPACES PRIVATE LIMITED is the main company involved in fraud for youtube chennal monotization. The compnay has register in bangalore. After paid amount no anyone pick call & no reply on msg. The compnay has cheated & run the compnay since 2019 but no any action agaionst the compnay.

4 thoughts on “youtube watch Time fraud by , YT ,”

  1. There was a problem with the orders. Either the expiry date will be on the same date of delivery date. And if the product is damaged, they don’t re deliver the product. Upon multiple complaints no response.

  2. There is lots of vendors who is selling duplicate eggs in market. They are playing with kids life. It’s a request to you look forward about egg racket. It’s harmful for young generation health

  3. Beware of the deception!Gaana plus first asked to subscribe Rs 1 and then Rs 299 deducted from my account without my consent.Here I am victim of the fraud made by Gaana Plus.I strongly condemn the cheat.

  4. I have added money in the Bbdaily wallet.. for the milk to be delivered in the morning.. from March 1 am not getting the milk delivered.. but they are deducting the amt from my wallet.. when I ask the customer care.. the some time refund and sometime they just say it’s been delivered and status shows delivered.. they are not investigating why it is not delivered and still making it as delivered.. this is Been very stressful for me and I am not getting proper response for me.. plz take action against them..

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