JIO Airfiber

JIO Airfiber
I have taken JIo Airfiber a week ago, they have confirmed the services on 100mbps speed of internet and 16 OTT & 650+channles with 899 pack.
1. They will start the connection once paid only, after that either it is working or non working / failing the services by JIO which ever it is they dont pay back.
2. Once connection is established, all false statements.
No speed of internet and intermittent connecion issue in one hour (approximately 5 to 10 times disconnection), no Live channels (Only Hotstar Disney). How bad this Jio services. All false statements;
When i called to customer care, they were saying that once paid, it will not payback to customer. They can send technical service agents multiple times bit they dont pay back.
So, my suggestion, if you want to followup only to JIO instead focusing on your daily work, then take JIO AIRFIBER.
Please help us to get my pay back and disconnect the services. The amount is not a small, it was 7,500 approximately.
-Thank You,

JIO Airfiber

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