Wrong withdrawal against aeps

Your transaction of amount 900.0 against AEPS cash withdrawal dated 01/09/2023 at 08:21:54 successful with Tin ID/RRN 324408828534. all bad 1,021.00. Please find the receipt of your transaction at the link https://app. airtelbank.com:5055/ap/rt?UD=745fd2b1-555a-4fc7-8527-1cc785ea5c3d. I have no idea what is this plz help me to recover my amount.

Wrong withdrawal against aeps
Your transaction of amount 900.0 against AEPS cash withdrawal dated 01/09/2023 at 08:21:54 successful with Tin ID/RRN 324408828534. all bad 1,021.00. Please find the receipt of your transaction at the link https://app. airtelbank.com:5055/ap/rt?UD=745fd2b1-555a-4fc7-8527-1cc785ea5c3d. I have no idea what is this plz help me to recover my amount.

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