Refund or block account

Refund or block account
I purchased a plant cutter from Flipkart and they sent complete blank box received on package. So i complaint and ask about return the product. They didn’t give me refund and also they just simply blocked my account so I can’t do anything. Please help me to refund my amount back please

Refund or block account

One thought on “Refund or block account”

  1. I had visited dr batra’s clinic yesterday . For hairball problem . Dr was good clearly talk about problem remedies I impressed . Not an issue but , they give me Plan 16,500 , and another plan for around 23,000 both treatment needed but I had paid for 16,500 , because out of my budget but I relises next day single plan not benefit for me so , I want to refund , when I able to deposite both plan amount ,where than actual work I think .

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