Sir i will order mi mobile NEW METAL SHOCKPROOF PHONE CASE (FRONT+BACK) but this other cover plz return this product

Sir i will order mi mobile NEW METAL SHOCKPROOF PHONE CASE (FRONT+BACK) but this other cover plz return this product
Sir I will order Xiaomi 11T pro 5G phone PHONE CASE (FRONT+BACK) but this is not my mobile cover other cover plz return this product my mobile 6363197140,9739919932

Sir i will order mi mobile NEW METAL SHOCKPROOF PHONE CASE (FRONT+BACK) but this other cover plz return this product

Social media platform fraud

Social media platform fraud
Sona Aggarwal has a channel on Telegram where she asks to pay Rs.1000 and more to make the money multiple upto 1 lakh or above.
I think this is a big scam, as I can see many such ads in my Facebook page and maybe many of us get trapped in such fraud investor’s plan.
Must block such activities and account.

Social media platform fraud

Special loan fraud app

Special loan fraud app
I had just checked my eligibility on the loan which was minimal amount, so I logged out and uninstalled the special loan app. Then I got some amount of rs 2100/- thrice in my account was unable to find the source. Today I received called from different people asking for the amount, if not paid they will leak my photo and will ruin my reputation. No details are given from where they are calling and for what they are calling just start blackmailing you. I would like to tell you please take strict action against them and don’t allow this people to ruin people images.i said them I am returning the amount to account where they have sent but they are not what to do kindly guide

Special loan fraud app