No refund received yet from gofirst for the cancelled flight

No refund received yet from gofirst for the cancelled flight
I had booked a flight from VNS to BLR for date 7th May 2023 in airline Go-First via goibibo platform, My flight cancelled by airline without informing me. When I checked for web check-in then I got to know about cancellation.
I requested to airline for any other flight but they didn’t support and also didn’t refund my ticket money yet.
It’s 10 month passed and I am waiting for refund,,no response from airline

No refund received yet from gofirst for the cancelled flight

One thought on “No refund received yet from gofirst for the cancelled flight”

  1. Dear Sir/Mam,
    The Electricity Department did not raise a single electricity bill, nor have they sent a single bill, nor responded to my complaint to rectify the bill, they withdrew the meters and not responding me.
    i had regular follow-ups for the last couple of years/months, still have not been resolved yet
    i am getting so many problems , please take action and resolve the issues

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