Amount wrongly deducted under DC INTL POS TXN MARKUP + ST from my account without my notice on 15 june 2023 ,29 june 2023
and 6 july 2023
total amount 13000.
whenever i was using my international debit card bank was debiting charges . now without in my notice they charged me around 13000 in total. i need refund its my hard earned money .. thankyou

7 thoughts on “DC INTL POS TXN MARKUP + ST”

  1. Dc intl pos txn markup + st charges are wrongly cut from my account without any prior notice. Huge amount is deducted from my account.

  2. Hello,
    This is to inform that without notifying me they have deducted the amount i dont have any knowledge regarding this there was no intimation. I need my money back it was my savings, this needs some serious action please do the needful

  3. .DC INTL POS TXN MARKUP+ST 290324 310324-MIR2511473671761. Why bank charge me money without notice me. I need refund i am facing problem

    This was deducted from my account and it was not informed before and I need a refund or a compensation

  5. Amount wrongly deduct from my hdfc account DC INT ATM W/D INCL ST all over amount is 4000rs up…i need my money any how, cannot be deduct without my consent or without letting me know… i have just done the payment of 1487 rs and they deduct 4000 rs…this is totally ridiculous, i need refun d its my hard earned money.

  6. Dear Sir/Madam,


    I am writing to request a reversal of the unauthorized charges that were debited from my account on [11-06-2024]. I am a customer of your bank, and I hold an account number [50100723204444).

    On [10-06-2024], I noticed that my account was debited with [9275] and still 4750 minus without my consent or knowledge

    I hereby request your bank to reverse the unauthorized charges from my account and credit my account with the same amount at the earliest.

    I request you to investigate the matter and take appropriate action to ensure that such incidents do not occur in the future. I have been a loyal customer of your bank till now, and I trust that you will resolve this issue promptly.

    Please let me know if you require any additional information from my end.

    Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


    [syed jaffer abbas]

  7. Dear Sir/Ma’am,

    HDFC Bank

    I am a consumer of your bank. I had two unauthorised transactions take place in my account and I request you to reverse the same at the earliest.

    My account was debited on 10th March 2025, and also on 3rd February 2025 withput my consent or knowledge. In both instances an amount of Rs. 5886.36 was the debit transaction amount. I have lost Rs. 11,772 in total. This is my hard earned money. I require my refund at the earliest, since this is the second time that this is happening.

    My name is Jatin Tyagi my account number is 50********7120.

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