Bajaj Finance without give any notice stolen my bike in public area. They say 2 pending emi. They put extra charges 12k plus. That’s why asking for letter why put this much amount extra. Bajaj side never say anything to me. Now today 25/07/2023 in public area my bike parked, 3 person come broken the lock take over
Category: 2 wheelers
Redemption request
Dear team
I am mailing you to know that I have couriered the bond certificate of ICICI Bank dated 22/7/23 which has been processed.
Name-shah sevantilal Ghevarchand
Bondholder No- 0013-418
Certificate no-13482
Mobile no- 9426593075
Please help me my id terminate
Please help me meri id terminate kar di he please help
Ola Electric Scooter Delivery delay
Ola Electric Scooter Delivery delay
Hi, I booked Ola S1 Air scooter on 24th October 2022 with an amount Rs 999/-. I made full payment of Rs 122670/- on 27th July 2023 . My Order Id is OET-960092721241022-PUB791. Initiall delivery date mentioned in their mobile app while booking was 15th August 2023. But subsequently the date got delayed and as of now after more than a month (Todays date is 30th August 2023) the vehicle is not delivered and there is no clear information of when it’s going to be delivered. The status on the mobie app is showing “Your scooter delivery is running behind the schedule. Rest assured that we are working heard to ensure quick delivery of your scooter.” I followed with their customer care but they also not able to give me clear information. The customer care option is also difficult to access. Find the payment receipts and screenshot of the status is attached with this grivence. Please take some necessary action against the organisation so that they will ensure that customer will get their product on promised time.
Name change on bond
जनरल मैनेजर मार्केटिंग
आइसीआइसीआइ बैंक
सर निवेदन है कि मेरे पिताजी द्वारा मार्च 1999 में बजाज ऑटो लिमिटेड और आईसीआईसीआई लिमिटेड द्वारा चलाई जा रही स्कीम के तहत एक बजाज स्कूटर खरीदा गया जिसके तहत मनी मल्टीपर बोंड के तहत उन्हें ₹20200 का डिमांड ड्राफ्ट संख्या 601223 जुलाई 2023 में प्राप्त हुआ मेरे पिताजी का निधन 19 मार्च 2017 को हो गया इसके बाद उनका खाता बंद करवा दिया गया अब ऐसी सूरत में नॉमिनी में मेरा नाम रमेश चंद कश्यप पुत्र श्री अगन लाल कश्यप निवासी धीमर मोहल्ला बी नारायण गेट भरतपुर राजस्थान 3210001 दर्ज है आपसे निवेदन है कि इस डिमांड ड्राफ्ट में मेरे पिताजी की जगह मेरा नाम दर्ज कर इसे दोबारा से भेजा जाए
Bond holder No. 0025532
Reg. No. 025612
SRL No. 0015612
Date of issuing policy march 25, 1999
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